Wednesday 29 February 2012

I am blessed.

I may not have a lot of money, but man did I ever hit the jackpot when it comes to marrying the right guy. Like I've said before, I'm not very good with words when spoken, so I've decided to dedicate this post to honouring the amazing man that is mine forever. I often forget how amazing he is, and sometimes what he does goes unnoticed, but that has yet to discourage him or cause him to loose any amount of admiration for me. So if you are reading this chooch, I'm sorry if I have not payed as much attention to you as I should.

It's something special when you find a man, and you know that you are the ONLY object of his desire. For many people, that stuff is only in the movies. But I can say without a doubt in my mind, that my husband loves me, wants me, and cherishes me. I cannot tell you how great it feels to experience a relationship where there is no sense of disloyalty or infidelity. I can look at him, like REALLY look at him, and always see that his eyes are full of fondness. To know that fondness is for me, is a really exceptional feeling. He can choose to love whoever he wants, and he chooses every single day, to love me.

 He helps with everything from laundry, to washing dishes, to changing poopey diapers, to cooking, to taking shifts with the baby. I could go on and on. We are a team. We work together, not separately, or against one another. I stay at home cooking dinner, while he runs out to the bank, so that I'm not having to do it all myself. We are equals. Not either one of us holds the other at a higher or lower place, whether it's opinions, money, everything. Living like this makes living with him effortless.

He is my best friend, seriously. I know, I know, EVERYONE says that. But really, there are very few things that I do, that don't include him. If I'm going out he's coming too, because why would I go out and have a good time without him? I like hanging out with my husband, he's fun! We crack each other up. If the boys are getting together to play poker or watch a hockey game (and they don't protest my involvement) I'm playing poker with them. He enjoys my company, and I enjoy his. I think it's important to actually like the person you are with, not just love them.

 My husband is the most affectionate person you'll ever meet. If he could hug and kiss me all day, he would. He is always wanting closeness and physical contact. I am the complete opposite. I am not the most affectionate of people. Hugging is awkward to me, and if I get a kiss on the cheek from anyone, I quickly wipe it away because I can't stand the feeling of any small trace of spit on my cheek (I'm sorry if I've ever offended you by doing this. Now you know why) And, if I'm not in the mood for kisses, please don't come near me. However, I am so blessed to have him the way he is, because I could have a husband that doesn't show any affection at all. I know how much he loves me and is always showing it, and I wish I could show him that same love back more often. But I do know this, I love him the best way that I know how to, with the most deepest part of my heart.

For everything is he, and everything I'm not, and for everything he does, and everything I don't, I could not ask for anyone better. I am so happy he chooses to love me everything day of his life, and I will continue to bestow upon him my hearts deepest devotion.

Until my next post,


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