Wednesday 29 February 2012

I am blessed.

I may not have a lot of money, but man did I ever hit the jackpot when it comes to marrying the right guy. Like I've said before, I'm not very good with words when spoken, so I've decided to dedicate this post to honouring the amazing man that is mine forever. I often forget how amazing he is, and sometimes what he does goes unnoticed, but that has yet to discourage him or cause him to loose any amount of admiration for me. So if you are reading this chooch, I'm sorry if I have not payed as much attention to you as I should.

It's something special when you find a man, and you know that you are the ONLY object of his desire. For many people, that stuff is only in the movies. But I can say without a doubt in my mind, that my husband loves me, wants me, and cherishes me. I cannot tell you how great it feels to experience a relationship where there is no sense of disloyalty or infidelity. I can look at him, like REALLY look at him, and always see that his eyes are full of fondness. To know that fondness is for me, is a really exceptional feeling. He can choose to love whoever he wants, and he chooses every single day, to love me.

 He helps with everything from laundry, to washing dishes, to changing poopey diapers, to cooking, to taking shifts with the baby. I could go on and on. We are a team. We work together, not separately, or against one another. I stay at home cooking dinner, while he runs out to the bank, so that I'm not having to do it all myself. We are equals. Not either one of us holds the other at a higher or lower place, whether it's opinions, money, everything. Living like this makes living with him effortless.

He is my best friend, seriously. I know, I know, EVERYONE says that. But really, there are very few things that I do, that don't include him. If I'm going out he's coming too, because why would I go out and have a good time without him? I like hanging out with my husband, he's fun! We crack each other up. If the boys are getting together to play poker or watch a hockey game (and they don't protest my involvement) I'm playing poker with them. He enjoys my company, and I enjoy his. I think it's important to actually like the person you are with, not just love them.

 My husband is the most affectionate person you'll ever meet. If he could hug and kiss me all day, he would. He is always wanting closeness and physical contact. I am the complete opposite. I am not the most affectionate of people. Hugging is awkward to me, and if I get a kiss on the cheek from anyone, I quickly wipe it away because I can't stand the feeling of any small trace of spit on my cheek (I'm sorry if I've ever offended you by doing this. Now you know why) And, if I'm not in the mood for kisses, please don't come near me. However, I am so blessed to have him the way he is, because I could have a husband that doesn't show any affection at all. I know how much he loves me and is always showing it, and I wish I could show him that same love back more often. But I do know this, I love him the best way that I know how to, with the most deepest part of my heart.

For everything is he, and everything I'm not, and for everything he does, and everything I don't, I could not ask for anyone better. I am so happy he chooses to love me everything day of his life, and I will continue to bestow upon him my hearts deepest devotion.

Until my next post,


Friday 24 February 2012

Live in Love.

One of the most simple things to do as a human is also one of the hardest; to love. I don't mean BE in love, although in today's society that's hard enough to do. To actually LIVE in love, and treat everyone you come into contact with, with compassion, mercy, and grace.

Essentially, this should be easy. Be a nice person, when you meet someone new be genuine, offer to let someone go ahead of you in line, don't hold grudges, forgive easily and often, and treat everyone as an equal. Loving SHOULD be human nature, but it's not. There are so many things that get in the way. First of all, when someone wrongs us, we stop treating them with the love we once did. When someone has different beliefs or lifestyle choices, we judge them. And instead of living life in a way that puts the wants and needs of others before our own, we cater to ourselves. This is human nature.

To live in love would mean to go against our very nature and live almost sacrificially. This means that when someone has wronged us, to forgive them even if they haven't asked for it, no matter how many times they wronged us. A lot of people will tell me, "Well Toni, you can't just let people walk all over you." and my response to them is "What do you think Jesus did? REALLY? (Turn the other cheek)" and when people ask me "So if someone committed a horrific crime against you and the people you love, you'd forgive them?" and my response to them again is still, "What do you think Jesus did? REALLY???" He whole life and purpose was love. When he was asked what someone has to do to get into heaven his response was simple "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbour as yourself" Love, love, love. It wasn't "Well, make sure you hold people accountable for their actions. Make sure you follow the 10 commandments, and MOST OF ALL, DO NOT accept anyone who's choices, beliefs, or lifestyles are different than that of your own." which leads me to my next point...

There is a difference between acceptance and agreement. You can accept and love someone, even though you don't agree with the choices, lifestyle, beliefs etc. that they have. Christianity has gotten such a bad rap because many "Christians" have not been very good Christians at all. They have judged, persecuted, hated, even killed in the name of Jesus (the dark ages and the crusades), who's mission was the complete OPPOSITE of that. He was the embodiment of love. Have we forgotten that?

My biggest aspiration's for my daughter, and what I pray over her every single night is that she is a fountain of love. I want her to treat everyone with compassion, and accept them no matter what. That is what is important to me. It's also my prayer most often, and it will continue to be until I'm no longer here. Everyday I need to be shown how to love instead of judge, to forgive someone over, and over, and over again, to treat strangers with tenderness instead of aggression, and most importantly, to stop getting road rage every time someone cuts me off.

..HA HA okay that last one might be not be the MOST important, but man do I ever get pissed off when someone cuts me off.

Until my next post, Cheers.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Alright so ironically (I don't actually know the defintion of irony so this might not be ironic at all), my first post is about bills. Wait, what may be more ironic is that the title of my blog is "Plans for Prosperity."

I have not yet mastered the divine art of paying bills on time every single month. My husband and I will have times where we're actually ahead of things, and then one bad month and we're back to square one; desperately trying to catch up with finances again. It's a vicious circle, and it leaves you feeling like a failure. When you have a kid, there really isn't an option to be a failure. So you end up feeling frantic (see post about selling buns of steel videos) trying to get back on track.

We've recently been introduced to a totally new and radical way to live, called "Thrive" through our church. Now you don't have to be religous at all to live this way (my husband and I are not religious in any sense. Spiritual yes, religious no.) It's essentially living with margin. Giving First, Saving Second, and living on the rest. Holy crap, right?? How are we supposed to GIVE our money away first, THEN save some, and THEN pay bills? Honestly, I have no freaking clue, but there's something intriguing about living this way. What I've been trying to do my entire life has just not worked up until this point.

If we really decided to live this way, I think life would drastically change for many of us, myself included. We would be living with purpose. To be able to give first, meaning that the very first thing you do when you get paid is give some away, is not easy for anyone. As I've said, I've yet to be able to do this full out. Christians go by the standard 10% tith, but I'm not sure it's so much about the amount that you give, than it is that you are actually giving in the first place. Now, to save second is where it's a tricky. How much do you save? 10%? 20%? Again, I think the same concept applies.It's not how much you are saving, but that you are actually saving something each time you get paid. Once that has been done, you live off the rest. Pay the bills, buy the groceries, go out to dinner, take a latin dance class, do whatever you want with whatever you have left over, but once it's gone, it's gone.

I believe that this way of living, for me at least, is the only way that I will learn to live with margin, and start living life with purpose. I need to stop spending what I don't have, and live within my means. God's plan is to prosper us all, but when we sabotage that with our own plans, we end up in a crisis. I've been in crisis mode for way too long now, it's time to change. So what lie's ahead for this family? Lots of praying, and re-evaluating our faith. How can we say we trust God, when we don't even trust him with our money.

Until my next post, Cheers.

p.s. for anyone that is interested in learning more about "Thrive" I've posted the link for the 3 videos that talk about it in detail

Tuesday 21 February 2012

my daughter has my humor

So I have always been told that I have a "sick" sense of humour. Well, apparently so does Adalyn. This is just a video of her getting a kick out of making everyone gag from her stench. Her laugh is infectious.

The Beginning

I'm not sure if I've tried starting a blog before, I probably have, but I decided to start this one for one main reason; my verbal communication skills suck.

I have so many thoughts, opinions, and conversations that all sound great in my head, but when I try to put them into words, they never come out right. Seriously, as I'm typing this, it's a conversation I'm having in my head, and because I don't have to say the words out loud, I'm looking at this post thinking "YEP, that's exactly what I want to say, and exactly how I want to say it." I don't know why that's the way it is with me, but it's something I've been struggling with my entire life... until now. I have finally found the secret to my success at communication, and it's called a blog.

Let me start out by saying that I am no English major, as a matter of fact, I didn't even go to any type of fancy post-secondary education, unless you count 2 courses of Real Estate, I do, but you don't have to. So I'm using my good old grade 12, English class writing skills. I also took a creative writing class in high school, that's gotta count for something right? Anyways, what I was trying to say in the first place is that these posts may or may not be written with the best structured sentences, or the best grammar. I am French Canadian, and Portuguese, the best your gonna get out of me is a mix of "close the lights, Pass the Pattat's (potatoes), and "você é um cabeça de nabo." For those of you with the fancy English major's, but no second language skills, google translate is an amazing thing. So if you are alright with reading something that doesn't make you feel like you're supposed to come up with some sort of thesis and write a 25 page essay based on it, than this blog may be something you want to check out. If not, than do me a favour and Por favor tomar o seu "bom demais para esse" cu para fora daqui.

In the meantime, I will be posting here whenever I get the urge to talk about something that's in my head, but I can't get out. Some things may be what's considered a "hot topic", sometimes it will just be about how awesome of a little baby I have, and I assure you, SHE IS AWESOME! And sometimes, it will be about mundane things like bills, and groceries,because everyone has those. You can probably relate to having to buy groceries when bills are coming out, and then scanning over your house to see what crap you can sell on kijiji or Craig's list and make some money until next pay. Hey man, my dusty collection of "bun's of steel" is another man's treasure, and yes, it was a man that bought them off me.

Until my next post, Cheers.